短期大学部 英文学科 公開講座『Introduction to Sustainable Tourism~観光の発展と自然、社会、文化資源の保全との関係を探る~』(7/11)のお知らせ

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  • 短期大学部 英文学科 公開講座『Introduction to Sustainable Tourism~観光の発展と自然、社会、文化資源の保全との関係を探る~』(7/11)のお知らせ

短期大学部 英文学科 公開講座『Introduction to Sustainable Tourism~観光の発展と自然、社会、文化資源の保全との関係を探る~』(7/11)のお知らせ



  • 7/17(火)Ⅲ/Ⅳ講目:リスニング・スキル1(A/B/C/D)
  • 7/30(月)Ⅲ講目:ホスピタリティと観光

Introduction to Sustainable Tourism

This interactive lecture provides a brief overview of the concept of sustainable tourism and its application in practice. It first introduces the development of sustainable tourism from a historical perspective. It then examines the management of tourism development and its relationship to the conservation of natural, social and cultural resources at the destination. Finally, using case studies and industry best practice examples, the session leads to critical discussions of sustainable tourism applications from a contemporary international tourism perspective.

  • 日  時:2018年7月11日(水) 18時00分~19時30分
  • 会  場:北星学園大学 A305教室
  • 講  師:岡本 洋平 氏(マードック大学 School of arts 専任講師)

(1)Okamoto, Y. (2016). The raison d’être of tourism education: Ontological, epistemological and ideological comparison between the Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training Tourism Programs in Australia.(2)Okamoto, Y., Lee, D., & Price, A. (2017). Ontological, ideological and epistemological influences shaping tourism education and training today. In C. Lee, S. Filep, J. N. Albrecht, & W. J. Coetzee (Eds.), CAUTHE 2017 Conference: Time for big ideas? Re-thinking the field for tomorrow (pp. 968–971)